
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today is the Day for Action

Have you been thinking about writing a book, traveling somewhere, or applying for a new job? Whatever it is that you want to do; just take the first step toward doing it. It doesn't have to be perfect, or timed exactly right. If you just take some action, you will have started the whole process. Once you begin, you will get more comfortable doing it, and it will become easier.

Sometimes we hold ourselves back from trying something we always wanted to do. What could happen? The world won't end if you take a chance on yourself. Just do it, plan it, or arrange for it to happen!

Once you do, you will feel so good about it. We all have fears that need to be overcome, so why put it off? Make that telephone call you have needed to make, write a couple of pages in your book, or send your resumes out to different places, and you'll be so glad you did.

Is there anything that you want to do and you keep saying that the time isn't right? Go do it!
Taking action always makes us feel so much better!


  1. This is so true! Sometimes we overthink situations, and end up stopping before we even begin. Just Do It! It's usually a flash of inspiration that gives us the desire of inspiration, and in that same lighness, we should follow with actions.

  2. "Take a chance on yourself" that is such a powerful statement.
