
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Live Your Best Life

How can we fully enjoy our life? We have to be engaged in it and commited to our personal growth. What does that mean, you may ask? It means you have to give a damn about yourself, your relationships, and your life. If you are not ain't happening.

How do we commit? As the years go by, I find myself more concerned about my health, who I choose as friends, what I have in common with the people I surround myself with, and in giving more to myself. More of what? More of everything, if it's pleasurable. (and that includes more vanilla ice cream and more colored sprinkles!)

I know now that time is fleeting, and I don't want to waste it on anything I don't enjoy. The years are passing so quickly now; and I know that we only have limited time, so why not choose to enjoy yourself? This means making an effort to go somewhere because you know you'll have fun!

The one good thing about getting older is that you give yourself permission to be, do what you want, when you want to. You know that this isn't a dress rehearsal, so why not live, laugh, or even cry if you feel it.

How do you live your best life? You do it by letting go of the should haves, would haves, cannot, and will not, and do what you really want to do. Taking action is key to living your best life. If it doesn't work can change it.

So in this stage of my life, I will try new things, do old things that I enjoy, (my husband comes to mind) and find what's meaningful to me. I will discover, create, and post things I think about on this stay tuned...there is more of this good stuff to come!

Thanks for reading!

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